söndag, november 08, 2009

Är det slut nu?

Enligt Las Vegas Sun, har Steven Tyler lämnat Aerosmith! Det är tydligen att han och Joe Perry inte dragit jämt och Steven Tyler har blivit förbannad. I vilket fall som helst är det intressant att följa utvecklingen i detta ämne. Själv tror jag inte att detta slutar i ett splittrat Aerosmith, då alla parter förlorar så mycket på det hela. Nu är det inte första gången någon hoppat av bandet. 1979 hoppade Joe Perry av och startade hans soloband Joe Perry Project.

""Steven quit as far as I can tell," Perry said from his Boston home. "I don't know anymore than you do about it. I got off the plane two nights ago. I saw online that Steven said that he was going to leave the band. I don't know for how long, indefinitely or whatever. Other than that, I don't know."
Part of the problem, he says, is that Tyler doesn't return his phone calls. "He's notorious for that," Perry said.
"That's one thing I've learned to live with. I try to overlook it. I like to pick my battles. Frankly, the last few months I've been wanting not to rock the boat. I don't want him canceling any more gigs. We really wanted to do these last four. We just kind of didn't want to call him out or anything and get him anymore pissed off, for whatever reason. So we just let things lie. So we did the gigs and, like I said, I got off the plane and saw this online. That's how I know about it." (läs allt här)

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